Interview with a 16 year old pothead : The Gopal Manuka reaches Bangalore , Karnataka

Weed is not addictive! That is just a myth. I have been smoking marijuana since I was 16 years old and I smoke at least three bowls a day and I’m not addicted! I can quit anytime. Just last week, when I ran out of weed, I quit for an entire day. Well, almost a day, says Yasir Rehman, a multinational company executive based in Upperpet, BL.

After about 18 hours I got anxious feeling and decided I just needed a toke to settle my nerves. I searched my entire house hoping that I could find some stash that I got paranoid and hid away and forgot about. But no luck.

Marijuana is medicine, it’s not harmful! That’s why so many USA’s states have legalized medical marijuana because it’s good for you. How can you say that a natural, God-given plant can been bad for your health? What’s that you say? Well, yeah, tobacco is a plant too, but that’s different. Somehow. I don’t know.

In the end Yasir added : All I know is I’m 45 years old and I’ve been smoking for around nineteen and a half yearsImageI and I’m in perfect health, except sometimes I have this really deep cough. But you would get a cough whatever you smoked, right? I don’t sleep as well on the days I don’t smoke pot, and I get headaches, but that’s not a big deal. At least it’s not as bad as alcohol.